NLP for Coaches 


Terms and Conditions


These Terms relate to the delivery of The NLP Coach (“the Programme”). Please read the terms carefully as they set out your rights. We (Pamela Rigden trading as NLP for Coaches) is based in the UK and our business terms and conditions are governed by UK legislation. Our address is NLP for Coaches, 1 Reedley Mews, Lymington, Hampshire, SO41 9GA. 

Our Privacy Statement can be found at which sets out important information about the way we use and store your data. All references to us, we, our or Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches are references to NLP for Coaches. All references to you or your relate to the purchaser of the Programme. If you have any questions please ask before purchasing. In proceeding with your purchase you are accepting these terms in full without variation. 

1. The Programme 

1.1 By accepting these terms and conditions the Coach understands and accepts they are entering into a training arrangement (the “Programme”) for a fixed period of 12 months.

1.2 The Programme is for qualified Coaches, or those working towards qualification, who are seeking to elevate their Coaching Practice by adding NLP tools and processes to their Coaching Toolkit. All training delivered within the Programme is delivered remotely online in a group setting with other Coaches. 


2. The Services

2.1 The services shall include: applied NLP training including 10 ICF Accredited Masterclasses (10 x 3.0 hours) and 1 ICF Accredited Workshop (Values & Values Elicitation)(6 hours)  designed to support the Coach to elevate their Coaching Skills 

2.2 The aim of the Programme is to support the Coach to improve their Coaching Skills 

2.3 In delivering the Services Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches agrees to provide them with reasonable care and skill.

2.4 The Coach accepts and understands that the Programme is a group programme and all training and services will be delivered alongside other Coaches in a group setting. 

2.5 Whilst it is intended that the substantive training will be delivered by Pamela Rigden, in delivering the Services Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches may engage the services of their employees, contractors and  other third-party providers as necessary.

2.6 The services each month will be delivered via: 

  • 2.6.1  One x LIVE 3.0 hours group training session (choice of 2 time slots)
  • 2.6.2  Access to a library of training tools and resources
  • 2.6.3  Community Support (currently Private Facebook Group)

2.7 When the Programme delivery commences, the Coach shall be granted access to the training material in Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s online resource library (Kajabi). The training resources are extensive and shall support the Coach in a number of valuable areas of their life and business.

2.8 Specifically the training material covers 11 topics to support the delivery of the aforementioned 10 ICF Accredited Masterclasses and 1 ICF Accredited Workshop (Values & Values Elicitation) 

  • The Neurological Levels Model 
  • The Communication Model
  • The Problem Box Model
  • Representational Systems
  • The Six Filters
  • Meta Programmes
  • Values & Values Elicitation
  • Beliefs & Limiting Beliefs
  • Inner Conflict and Parts
  • States, Default State, Anchors & Anchoring
  • Internal Representations & Compelling Futures


The video library is not intended to be complete and will be added to during  the Programme. Specifically the video of the LIVE Masterclasses will be uploaded following the class. 

The recordings of previous Masterclasses are uploaded to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s online resource library (Kajabi)  

You should be aware that all sessions are recorded and are uploaded to our learning platform and retained for use and viewing by other Programme participants. 

Should the Coach require an additional or more bespoke resource, this should be requested by email and Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will make reasonable attempts to provide the necessary resources within a reasonable timescale. 


2.9 Any remotely delivered services will take place via Zoom or another online meeting facility.

2.10 The Coach understands and accepts it is the Coach’s responsibility to attend all sessions provided at the agreed time. NLP for Coaches can only award ICF CCEs when the Coach attends and engages in the full 3.0 hour Masterclass.

2.11 In the event Pamela Rigden is unable to teach a scheduled Masterclass then NLP for Coaches will make all reasonable attempts to provide the Coach with as much notice as possible and shall ensure that the  session is rescheduled to a mutually convenient time.

2.12 In the event the Coach is unable to attend a session or fails to attend a scheduled session, the Coach shall forfeit the right to that session. 

2.13 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches agrees that, for the duration of the Programme, they shall be available to the Coach by email at  support@nlpforcoaches. All communications should be via the dedicated Community (currently Private Facebook Group) in the first instance or by email if private. Depending on the content of the email, it may be necessary to discuss any issues at the beginning of the next session. Response times will vary but it is aimed that a response will be provided within 48 hours where the query arrives in business hours. Depending on the query, it may be simpler for some queries to be answered in the next session.

2.14 Should the Coach require any further support than is provided within the Programme as standard, such support will be outside of these terms and conditions and additional terms and fees shall be agreed.

2.15 If the Coach is invited to attend additional in-person meetings, events, retreats or similar then the Coach shall be responsible for arranging and funding their travel and accommodation to participate in such activities. 

2.16 Should there be any additional events or meetings which are not included in the price of the Programme but that the Coach may benefit from, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will clearly communicate any additional fees in advance. 

2.17 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches reserves the right to make amendments, revisions or changes to the Programme or cancel, amend, change or reschedule any part of the Programme as is reasonably required by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches shall not be liable to the Coach for any changes or cancellations that are made. 

3. Coach’s Obligations

3.1 The Coach accepts that as part of the Coach’s participation in the Programme they may be required to review and make decisions concerning their business and career, finances, education and development and that any such reviews, subsequent decisions, implementation and action will be the sole responsibility of the Coach.

3.2 The Coach accepts and understands that they are solely responsible for making decisions and taking appropriate action as a result of any matters reviewed or discussed during the Programme and that Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches shall not be liable for the Coach’s failure to make decisions, put into action plans or strategy, or for any results whether direct or indirect arising out of the Coach’s participation in the Programme. 

3.3 The Coach understands and accepts that engagement in the Programme and acceptance of the services is not a substitute for counselling or other therapy services. Whilst the professionals delivering the services have significant experience and may be the correctly qualified practitioner to provide support, if the Coach is currently undergoing medical or other professional help concerning their health (mental or physical) then the Coach should inform their practitioner of the existence of these terms and conditions and the extent of the services being provided and inform Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches if appropriate and relevant. 

3.4 The Coach acknowledges that it is their responsibility to attend the sessions as agreed and to participate fully during sessions, and communicate openly and honestly. Further, the Coach acknowledges that they will be required to take specific action and implement advice given throughout the Programme and such action will be their responsibility.

3.5 The Coach acknowledges and understands that the Programme is a group programme. The Coach agrees to always conduct themselves in a reasonable and responsible manner during sessions and not to act in a manner which may cause offence, distress or alarm to the individual leading the sessions or anyone else with the group.

3.6 In the event the Coach acts in a way which is disruptive, or which causes offence, distress or alarm, to the individual leading the sessions then the Coach will be excluded from the session. Following any removal and exclusion, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will arrange a meeting with the Coach to discuss the matter and to determine whether the Coach will be removed and/or excluded permanently. Such a decision to be at Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s absolute discretion.

3.7 The Coach agrees to keep all information shared by other participants private and confidential. 

3.8 Given the group nature of certain elements of the Programme, the Coach accepts that any information shared will be done so across the group. The Coach should consider entering direct non-disclosure terms and conditions with other group participants if they deem such arrangement to be necessary. NLP for Coaches has no control or liability relating to information shared within a group setting. 

3.9 In the event the Coach has any concerns as to the delivery of the services, or the Coach’s participation in the Programme in any way, the Coach agrees to notify Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches of such concerns by email as soon as possible. NLP for Coaches agrees that upon receipt of notification of such concerns NLP for Coaches will use all reasonable efforts to work with the Coach to resolve the Coach’s concerns.

3.10 The Coach understands that, once accepted, these terms and conditions can only be cancelled or terminated in accordance with the relevant provisions contained within these terms and conditions, that they are agreeing to pay the whole Fee in full in all circumstances and that refunds only apply as set out in Clause 5. 

3.11 The Coach confirms that all information provided to NLP for Coaches, including information which is personal and/or confidential, is true, correct, up to date and complete.

3.12 The Coach agrees and understands that participation in the Programme does not guarantee results or success. As part of the Programme the Coach will have access to information, resources, people and support all designed to benefit the Coach but it is the Coach’s responsibility to take action and to implement the necessary information received and/or skills or tools shared.

3.13 The Coach agrees that they will not canvass, promote or advertise their products or services to any employee, Coach or contractor of Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches or use their participation within the Programme to canvass, promote or advertise their products or services without Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s express consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

3.14 The Coach agrees that during the Programme and for 12 months afterwards, that they shall not solicit any of Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s Clients or prospective Clients without Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s express consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld. 

3.15 The Coach agrees that for the duration of the Programme and for a period of 12 months afterwards, that the Coach will not employ, engage or attempt to induce, employ, solicit or entice away from Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches any of Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s employees, or contractors that were engaged, employed or contracted to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches at any point during the period of the Programme without Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s express consent in writing, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld.

3.16 The Coach agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches for any action taken against Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches due to the Coach’s violation or disregard of:

  • 3.16.1 any provision of these terms and conditions;
  • 3.16.2 the Coach’s participation in any way in the Programme.


4. Fees and Late Payments 

4.1 We provide promotional pricing at certain points of the year. Your price will be fixed at the date of purchase: £2,400 + VAT for all purchases made (“the Fee”) 

4.2 The Programme Fee is due immediately on execution of these terms and conditions.

4.3 Payment of the Fee can be made in full or by installments.

4.4 Payment shall be made by the Coach as follows:

  • 4.4.1 In full a single payment of ÂŁ2400.00 + VAT
  • 4.4.2 In installments 3 x ÂŁ800.00 + VAT to be paid on the same date each month in monthly installments with the first payment due when the Coach registers for the Programme
  • 4.4.3 In installments 12 x ÂŁ200.00 + VAT to be paid on the same date each month in monthly installments with the first payment due when the Coach registers for the Programme

4.5 The Fee shall be paid by the Coach via Kajabi/Stripe

4.6 In accepting the terms of these terms and conditions, the Coach agrees to pay the entire Fee. There will not be a refund, discount or option for part-payment of services if the Coach decides not to proceed with the full Programme. Should the Coach stop participating, the remaining balance will become payable with immediate effect.

4.7 If the Coach does not pay any amount properly due to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches under these terms and conditions, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will charge a fixed administrative fee of ÂŁ250 for each late payment and Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches reserves their right to suspend delivery of the Services until all outstanding payments have been made.

4.8 In addition to the late payment fee set out above, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches may charge the Coach interest on the overdue amount at the rate of 8% per annum above the Bank of England base rate from time to time (which interest will accrue daily until the date of actual payment and be compounded at the end of each calendar month) or claim interest and statutory compensation from the Coach pursuant to the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998.

4.9 Should any payments become more than 14 days overdue, this shall amount to a material breach of the contract and Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches reserves their right to terminate these terms and conditions and seek recovery of all outstanding fees immediately. The Coach shall lose their place on the Programme and be responsible for any and all costs and fees, including legal fees, associated with the recovery of unpaid or outstanding fees. 

4.10 Once the initial 12 month term has expired, the Coach may be invited to continue receiving support from Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches on a rolling monthly basis. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches reserves the right to review and adjust the Fee, up or down as required.  

4.11 We also provide Promotional Bonuses which are set out on the Offer Page the details of which will be confirmed to you post purchase via email. 


5. Refunds and Cancellation   

5.1 Due to the business to business contractual relationship formed within these terms and conditions, no refund shall be permitted if the Coach changes their mind. It is therefore important that the Coach checks the Programme details for suitability before purchasing. Should the Coach have any questions before joining, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches would be happy to arrange a discussion. 

5.2 Notwithstanding, Clause 5.1, the Coach’s statutory refund rights to a refund remain. The Coach is reminded of their obligations and agreement to handle any issues in accordance with Clause 3.9 so that they can be resolved quickly and the highest service level can be provided at all times. 

5.3 Should the Coach wish to cancel their place on the Programme and stop attending the sessions, they shall be permitted to do so but they must pay the balance of the Fee should any proportion be outstanding. 


6. Termination 

6.1 Until the expiry of the initial 12 months, these terms and conditions may only be terminated by either party providing written notice in accordance with the terms of these terms and conditions in the following circumstances:

  • 6.1.1. either Party commits a material breach, and if it is a breach being capable of remedy, the Party in breach fails to remedy the breach within 14 days of being notified of the breach by the other Party; or
  • 6.1.2. either Party commits a material breach which is incapable of being remedied;
  • 6.2 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will be entitled to limit the services or suspend, and/or terminate the Agreement without refund of any Fee, whether paid or remaining due, if Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches reasonably determines that the Coach:
  • 6.2.1. is becoming disengaged, disruptive or if the Coach impairs the participation or progress of the Programme and/or provision of the Services. For the purposes of these terms and conditions the terms disengaged and disruptive shall be given their ordinary dictionary meaning and examples of such behaviour shall include, but not be limited to, displaying a lack of interest in the services, repeatedly missing sessions to be without reasonable justification or reason, failing to positively contribute to discussions during sessions or other contact, repeatedly ignoring or failing to respond to emails or other messages, communicating in a way which is abusive or intended to offend any Coach, trainer or practitioner; and/or 
  • 6.2.2 is failing to follow or abide by any of the terms set out within these terms and conditions or any other terms or guidelines as may be agreed whether such action constitutes a material breach or not.

6.3 Upon termination for any reason, the Coach’s access to all services, access to any private social media accounts or groups, and any other online resources, will be removed, unless expressly agreed otherwise. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will not be liable to the Coach for any claims relating to the removal of that access.


7. Confidentiality, Intellectual Property and Data Protection

7.1 To maximise the efficiency and results of the Programme the Coach accepts that they will be encouraged to disclose personal and/or confidential information. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches respects the value of such information and shall not, either directly or indirectly, communicate or disclose, make available to, or use for his/her benefit or the benefit of any other person or entity, the Coach’s ideas, know-how, business practices, concepts and techniques, plans, trade secrets, and other confidential and/or proprietary information (collectively, “Confidential Information”) that the Coach may disclose to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches or that may be disclosed as part of the provision of the services to which these terms and conditions relates.

7.2 Confidential Information for the purposes of these terms and conditions excludes any information that:

  • 7.2.1. was already known to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches before being provided with that information by the Coach;
  • 7.2.2. is already accessible in the public domain;
  • 7.2.3. is provided to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches by a third party separately from these terms and conditions and without any breach of the terms of these terms and conditions; or
  • 7.2.4. is produced, developed or collated by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches independently of the Coach and without any breach of the terms of these terms and conditions.

7.3 In the event information is provided to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches by the Coach which causes Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches to fear that the Coach is at risk of danger to themselves or others then in such circumstances Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will be permitted to disclose such information as is necessary to health practitioners of for the protection of the Coach or others. 

7.4 The Coach should be aware, unless they expressly request otherwise, information provided to one individual within NLP for Coaches will be shared with others as appropriate. Mailboxes, including social media inboxes, will be accessible by multiple people across Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches. 

7.5 This clause will not apply in the event Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches is subject to a relevant court or other forms of legal  or statutory order requiring disclosure by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches.

7.6 By entering into these terms and conditions the Coach hereby agrees and undertakes;

  • 7.6.1. not to infringe any of Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets or other intellectual property rights;
  • 7.6.2. that any Confidential Information disclosed by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches is confidential and proprietary and belongs solely and exclusively to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches that disclosed it;
  • 7.6.3. not to disclose such Confidential Information to any other person or use it in any manner other than in discussion during Programme sessions;
  • 7.6.4. that all materials, information and any data provided by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches are that individual’s confidential and proprietary intellectual property and belong solely and exclusively to them, and may only be used by the Coach as expressly authorised by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches; and
  • 7.6.5. the reproduction, distribution, and/or sale of any information or materials provided during provision of the Services or at any time thereafter by anyone but Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches is strictly prohibited. The Coach agrees that in the event of any breach of their obligations contained in these terms and conditions then damages, loss or irreparable harm may arise and that in such circumstances Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will be entitled to seek relief, including injunctive relief against the Coach.
  • 7.6.6. to preserve and protect the Confidential Information of other Programme Participants and not to make any disclosures relating to information shared by third parties. 

7.7 No recording of any of the Programme sessions or any live webinars or video resources that are shared by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches as part of the Programme is permitted without Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s express consent.

7.8 The parties agree that in relation to any  information, whether confidential or not, that is shared between the Parties that they shall be individually responsible to comply with any and all relevant data protection laws and legislation.

7.9 Any information or data that is provided by the Coach pursuant to these terms and conditions, including Confidential Information, will be maintained by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches and stored, accessed and processed in accordance with recognised data protection legislation. Full details of how Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches processes personal data reference should be made to the Privacy Notice displayed at:

7.10 Both Parties agree to take appropriate steps to keep all information safe and secure and to protect against loss and destruction, including accidental, and any unlawful or unauthorised processing.

7.11 Both Parties agree to provide a copy of all information held upon receipt of a proper and reasonable data request. Any such request shall be dealt within a reasonable time.

7.12 All documentation and information provided to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches during the course of the Programme will be  retained in accordance with relevant retention guidance for a period of no less than 6 years. 

7.13 The Coach should be aware that recordings of group sessions, within which they may feature, will be available to others within the group for the duration of the programme and afterwards as part of ongoing access to resources. 

7.14 In circumstances where the Coach provides a testimonial, written or video, they provide authority and permission for Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches to utilise that testimonial in the manner that Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches sees fit, including public advertising and marketing, unless and until permission is withdrawn by the Coach in writing. 

7.15 As part of the delivery of the services Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will provide certain materials and resources under licence. These materials shall include, but not be limited to, Programme handouts, workbooks, Programme materials and resources. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches shall own all methodologies, systems and processes delivered within the Programme, not withstanding which mentor or practitioner has delivered the session. 

7.16 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will grant to the Coach a personal, limited, non-transferable, non- exclusive, revocable licence to access and use the materials, resources and methodologies provided as part of the Programme solely for the Coach’s business purposes and for the purposes as intended by these terms and conditions.

7.17 The Coach must not use any of the materials or resources provided by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches during delivery of the Programme for:

  • 7.17.1 any commercial purpose or benefit without first obtaining Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s express written permission and relevant licence if applicable;
  • 7.17.2 any unlawful purposes, would cause harm or distress to another person or would cause damage to our business or reputation.

7.18 The obligations set out within this Clause 7 shall survive the termination of these terms and conditions.


8. Liability

8.1 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches has made every effort to accurately represent the Programme and the Services. Any testimonials and/or examples of results experienced are not intended to represent or guarantee that anyone will achieve the same or similar results. Each individual’s success depends on many factors, including his or her background, dedication, desire, and motivation.  As with any business endeavour, there is an inherent risk of loss of capital and Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches makes no guarantee, representation or warranty as to the outcome the Coach may experience in connection with the Services provided. 

8.2 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches will not be liable to the Coach for any indirect, consequential or special damages. 

8.3 rom time to time Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches may refer to, introduce or utilise the services of experts and advisors. Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches shall not be liable for any of those services and makes no recommendations as to their suitability for the Coach. 

8.4 None of the Services shall be construed as medical, legal or financial advice and the Coach should seek input from third party professionals should additional advice be required. 

8.5 In the event damages are incurred by the Coach as a result of Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s default or violation of any of the terms of these terms and conditions, Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s entire liability under these terms and conditions is limited to the amount paid by the Coach to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches as at the time the loss is sustained.

8.6 During the term of these terms and conditions and at any time thereafter, the Coach agrees to take no action which is intended, or would reasonably be expected, to harm Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches, her agents, employees, contractors, or experts, or its or their reputation or which would reasonably be expected to lead to unwanted or unfavourable publicity to Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches, her agents, employees, contractors, or experts.

8.7 In the event a dispute arises in connection with these terms and conditions and the provision of the Services which is incapable of being resolved by mutual consent then the Parties agree to submit the matter for mediation by an independent mediator. In the event a resolution is still not possible following mediation then legal action shall be commenced.

8.8 The Parties agree that they have adequate insurance cover to meet any liabilities that may arise in connection with these terms and conditions.

8.9 Nothing in these terms and conditions shall limit or exclude liability for: death or personal injury resulting in negligence, fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation nor shall it exclude any liabilities that may not be excluded under applicable law.


9. Notice

9.1 Where reference in these terms and conditions is made to the provision of a notice then any such notice shall be validly served if sent by email, or first-class post to the address of the other party as set out in these terms and conditions and shall be deemed served as follows:

  • 9.1.1. if sent by email, upon receipt of a valid delivery notification, if prior to 5 pm UK time, or at 9 am the following business day;
  • 9.1.2. if by post, on the second business day after posting.

9.2 The Coach must ensure that their contact information is kept up-to-date and any change of address is communicated within 7 days.


10. General 

10.1 The failure of either Party to actively enforce any provision of these terms and conditions shall not prevent that party from subsequently seeking to enforce any term or obligation of these terms and conditions and any such failure shall not constitute a waiver, diminution or limitation of any right.

10.2 In the event any provision of these terms and conditions is deemed to be invalid, or unenforceable for any reason then that provision shall be struck out and the remaining provisions shall remain valid and enforceable.

10.3 This is the entire agreement between the Parties and supersedes all other negotiations, drafts, correspondence and discussions prior to the execution of these terms and conditions.

10.4 Every effort will be made to carry out these terms and conditions and provide the Services, but Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches shall not be liable for any delay or failure in the provision of the Services should Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches be prevented or delayed by reason of an Act of God, Strike, War, Riots, Lock Outs, Fire, Epidemic, Flood, Accident, Delays in Transit, any Act or Omission of a Telecommunications officer or Third Party Supplier of Services, or any other circumstances beyond Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches’s control. In such circumstances time of delivery of Services shall be extended until a reasonable time after the event preventing or interfering with the due execution, and under no circumstances will Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches be liable for any loss or damage suffered by the Coach as a result thereof.

10.5 Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches acknowledges the importance of electronic communications to the delivery of the Programme and agrees to use all reasonable endeavours to provide reasonable contingency provisions to limit any impact or delay which may be caused to the provision of the Services by delay or failure of telecommunications services. Nothing in this provision will affect the application of this clause where an unexpected event occurs.

10.6 These terms and conditions shall be governed by the laws of England and Wales. The Parties to these terms and conditions submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the Courts of  England and Wales.

10.7 The Coach agrees that no other representations have been made by Pamela Rigden T/A NLP for Coaches to induce the Coach into entering into these terms and conditions and no modification to the terms of these terms and conditions shall be effective unless in writing and signed by both parties.

10.8 Save as provided for in clause 8.4 the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 shall not apply to these terms and conditions.

10.9 The Coach acknowledges that he/she has been given sufficient time to seek legal advice prior to entering into these terms and conditions.